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Enjoy it on the big screen:

Every time you watch a film on herflix you help us support women filmmakers worldwide.
frequently asked questions
What is Herflix?
Herflix is her online theater for curated movies & entertainment for, by & about women. We stream Hollywood hit movies, famous women movies, Film Festival Winners, and documentaries and shorts from women around the world.
How can I watch a movie on Herflix?
Movies can be watched by paying a Rental Fee or viewing Sponsored Free content after registering.
Do I have to subscribe in order to watch a movie?
No Subscriptions. Films on Herflix are either for Rent -so you pay only for what you watch – or Sponsored & Free on the WIFTI Channel.
Why should I rent a movie on Herflix?
Every movie on Herflix has been hand-picked by our curators, so we hope you can find one for your mood or inspiration. And every time you watch a film on Herflix, you help us support women filmmakers all over the world.
How often do you update movies?
Every week you will find new releases and recommendations from our curators. Make sure you sign up for newsletter so we can inform you.
Does Herflix get movies before other streaming platforms?
Yes we do. We get movies before some of the biggest Subscription platforms.
How much time do I have to watch the movie?
72-hour window to enjoy your choice.
Are there any free movies I can watch?
Yes. There are sponsored films that you can enjoy for free. You would only need create an account by registering. Look for the Sponsored sign or go to the WIFTI Channel.
I had a problem while watching the film I rented. Can I get my money back?
We apologize for that experience. Send us the date, title & problem at info@herflix.com and we will do our best to get back at you with the best possible solution.
I am a woman filmmaker and want to submit a finished film to Herflix. How can I do this?
Please Register on the site, then send us your film’s information at info@herflix.com and we will contact you.
Can I download the movie to my device so I can watch it offline?
Not yet. We will have that technology available in the future. Send us a note at info@herflix.com, and let us know that it would be important to you.
Where can I watch Herflix?
Herflix is available in your web , mobile apps (iOS / Android) and Connected TV’s (Roku, FireTV, AppleTV).